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Sunday, December 29, 2013

So long, Twenty-Thirteen.

I can not believe it is almost the end of the year. ALREADY!
Geesh. Where did the time go? Literally.
However, as I sit here in the midst of worship music, I can not help but reflect what all this year has brought for me. But in order to start to count my all blessings for this year, I must make a quick rewind to 2012; which was the year that prepared me for this one!
Think Twenty-12.
I was a wreck. A messed up, screwed up, lost and confused wreck.
Exactly this time last year, I was in the living room of my pastor and first lady's home balling my eyes out because I honestly felt like I was loosing my mind. I wasn't on the verge anymore, I was already there and I had no idea what to do anymore. I felt the furthest from God that I have ever been, I was confused on who or what I believed anymore. I was depressed and lost without a cause. I was ready to just give up on everything because I could not stand the feeling of despair that I was experiencing. I had lost all control of my heart, it was so hard. I had no feelings whatsoever. & It scared me so much! It was just too much for my 19 year old life at the time.
I felt alone and most of all, misunderstood.
Who on earth could really understand the pain I was experiencing and most of all the attack of the enemy on my mind? (So I felt.) He was trying his hardest to make me give up my call, my purpose, and my destiny that was already ordained by God.
& guess what, I was letting him win the fight.
I know you're thinking, "Girl, you just needed JESUS, that's all!"
Well girlfriend, I knew all of that & some. But it is so much easier said than done when you are right dead smack in the middle of the battlefield of the enemy. I just knew I wanted out. I wanted healing and deliverance more than ever before & I wanted it right then and there.
I just could not understand why God allowed me to go through such a difficult season of my life.
Long story short, God knew exactly what He was doing. It was not a mistake at all.
In fact, it was in His plan from the very beginning. He hadn't forsaken me or left me at all.
He . Was . There .
without a shadow of a doubt.
My . God . Was . There
& He saw, felt, and wiped every tear.
He calmed me at the darkest hour of my life and picked me up and placed me on a path that was about to begin a new journey of my life. He was about to change me.
& Then WE headed right into Twenty-13.
...enjoying life one opprotunity at a time...

So if Twenty-13 did not teach me anything else, it taught me my need for God in my life.
& Not just any place. He needed to be number ONE. No where else could he fit.
He was too big, too great, too mighty, powerful, and strong to possibly even try to fit in any second or third best spot. He made it clear that the top spot in my life ultimately belonged to him.
Of course, I "said" yes to that, but in reality I wasn't putting it into action a lot of the times.
But I was learning day by day, and must I say,
I really reaped the benefits slowly but surely.

...So, in the year of twenty-13.. 

I met awesome people and developed wonderful friendships. 

I started a young women's ministry that God placed on my heart many months ago.

I reached my one year and a half mark of being completely single since..forever.
& I learned how to become content and satisfied in Jesus alone. Singleness is a season and I have grown to love it! I've learned how to be single with a purpose and truly use this time to allow God to prepare me for who He wants me to be. I know how to enjoy life by myself.

I committed myself completely back to the Lord and vowed to continue to live a life of purity.
I will not have sex until God gives me the man of my dreams; who he created me for him and him for me. I'm so excited to give the gift of "waiting" to my husband and show him that I submitted to him even before I knew him. But this is more than just abstaining from sex,
its about living a pure live as a whole.
Body, Mind, and Spirit

I started couponing! LOL

& I'm pretty darn good at it! 
Thanks mom for our new addiction habit! LOL :)

I started & finished my sophomore year of college all in ONE semester.
So, now I'm a junior and on track to graduate EARLY!

I was blessed to hold several job titles.

I made it a full year paying MY car payments all by myself by the grace of God!
Meet Zoey! She's my 2009 G-6
We're BFF's lol

I mended relationships & I learned to love others.
My step DAD & I on Christmas. This was my gift to him. Ha!
 This was us on Father's Day. Our relationship has been rocky at times.
But he truly gives me the best.
I love my DAD! He did and does what the other one refuses to do:
remaining present & consistent.
I started reading more. I actually enjoy it!
I made time for God in fun places. I learned to be unashamed.
& I discovered my love for white chocolate mochas.
I started to commit myself to taking care of my body more! (more on that in twenty-14)

But most of all, I smiled so much more during this year. I learned to truly find contentment in the Lord. He's becoming my everything. I never want to let him go.

Twenty-13 was a year to remember. I had peace and contentment in God.
He restored my mind and my faith.
I'm a much stronger, wiser, softer, and loving Jasmine.

Twenty-14 we are ready for you.

lots of hugs & love 

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